1. According to funds management policy, Alipay withdrawal limit won't exceed RMB10,000 each time from single account and WeChat withdrawal amount of each day won't exceed RMB5,000 day from single account.
2. Sales order income would be transferred to bundled recipient account automatically. If the withdrawal process failed or the amount below RMB1.00, the income would be transferred to the account balance, the user may apply for manual withdrawal later.
3. Normally the manual withdrawal application would be audited by ICWORKSHOP system automatically. In case of 1) WeChat daily withdrawal amount exceed the limit of RMB5,000, or 2) Alipay daily withdrawal amount exceed the limit of RMB10,000, or 3) other possible withdrawal interrupt from 3rd party payment platform warning, the withdrawl application would be auditted manually by ICWORKSHOP and generally it takes 24hrs to process.